Youth Training & Entrepreneurship

young people have been trained in technical skills (trades), such as: bread bakery, beautician, haircut, cook, mechanic, mason, and electricity.

611 young people have been trained in technical skills (trades), such as: bread bakery, beautician, haircut, cook, mechanic, mason, and electricity.
Historically, Guatemala has always scored low on education. The average Guatemalan attends school a mere 2.3 years, and even less in indigenous communities (1.3 years).

According to the Ministry of Education, national gross coverage rate for middle school is 69.2% and the net rate is 43.2%. The numbers drop even more for high school where only 11.4% of young men and 8.7% of young women enroll.

Through ADRI’s Youth Project (2012-2023), 600 young people and adolescents in rural areas have graduated from middle and high school, receiving scholarships to continue their academic training; as well as 611 young people have been trained in technical skills (trades) and 2,328 young people in technology, allowing them to complement their skills to increase their level of employability and/or create a small business and insert themselves into the market; thus seeking to break the cycle of poverty that has come for years in their families.

In partnership with the Cooperative for Education (CoEd), three Rural Technology Centers (RTCs) were opened in San Miguel Tucurú to improve computer  skills of youth in rural indigenous areas and increase their ability to compete in the labor market. ADRI extended its coverage with two (RTCs) to the community of Panzós, Alta Verapaz. Last year, ADRI transferred the management of five of these cooperative educational institutions, which are now self-sustaining.  



scholarships students in rural areas graduated from middle and high school.


young people have been trained in technical skills (trades), such as: bread bakery, beautician, haircut, cook, mechanic, mason, and electricity.


young people have been strengthened in technology (computer skills), which allows them to complement their skills to increase their level of competitiveness and employability.


young graduates of the Emprender con Éxito diploma course, in partnership with Juárez y Asociados,  Puentes Project/USAID.