Through our Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy, ADRI promotes reproductive health, family planning and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS.
Through our Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy, ADRI promotes reproductive health, family planning and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS.
Guatemala’s chronic malnutrition and maternal-infant mortality indexes are among the highest in the region. According to the 2021 Human Development Index, Guatemala is ranked 130 out of 183 countries and holds the very last place in Latin America (ranked 18 out of 20 countries – 0.627 HDI). See Human development by country, around the world |
Guatemala has the third highest adolescent birthrate in Central America-114 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 each year due to lack of sexual education and information about reproductive health, access to family planning services, or sexual violence. Even when HIV prevalence among adults is less than 1%, lack of access to education and information in rural areas increases the risk of STIs and HIV.
Through our Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy, ADRI promotes reproductive health, family planning and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. These activities are primarily targeted at health workers, family groups, and rural young men and women, who replicate the knowledge and messages to families in the area.
ADRI coordinated during 2010-2015 with the Ministry of Health through the strengthening of the CAP Permanent Care Center of San Miguel Tucurú, Alta Verapaz, providing support according to their needs, with the donation of equipment, supplies for patient care. To date (2024) ADRI has supported the Permanent Care Center (Health Center) with the renovation of facilities to have the physical conditions to provide better care.
More than 600 young people trained in leadership, school bullying, cyberbullying, prevention of early marriages, sexual and reproductive rights, and first aid.
CAP equipped with computers and materials to keep patients records as well as infrastructure maintenance.
845 young people participated in the “Youth in the fight against HIV” strategy. aid.
900 young people (women and men) trained in sexual and reproductive health issues.