Water and Sanitation

At national level, only 60% of the rural population has access to water. The situation is even worse among rural indigenous populations, where nearly 70% of all drinking water is contaminated. This, combined with a lack of latrines, improved stoves, proper gray water management, and overcrowding, increases the likelihood of diarrhea and respiratory and skin infections. These first two conditions are the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality.

Thanks to ADRI’s construction and rehabilitation of water systems, more than 1,400 families now have access to this vital liquid at home. This not only improves their living conditions, but also saves them time by eliminating the need to walk long distances to collect water from rivers or other contaminated sources.

ADRI provides technical assistance to water commissions and community development committees and builds their capacities on water and solid waste management as well as garbage collection and management. In doing so, the project help build a better environment and make better use of natural resources. 

The construction of latrines, improved stoves, and cesspits has improved the health of the beneficiary families and helped prevent the risk of diarrheal and respiratory illnesses, particularly among women and children.

Some results achieved


Water systems

36 water systems have been rehabilitated achieving the protection of the same number of water sources through reforestation practices in the areas where catchment tanks are held.


garbage and waste management campaigns

300 garbage and waste management campaigns have been carried out at the community level with the participation of women and young people, promoting the decontamination of soils and rivers so that forests have a better opportunity to grow. catchment tanks are held.


Families with improved stoves

779 improved stoves have benefited the same number of families, reducing the use of firewood and contributing to forest conservation by reducing the consumption of firewood for energy from 6 to 2 meters per month per family. This allows us to determine that the contribution to forest conservation in one year was from 72,000 meters to 24,000 meters of firewood consumption.


Latrines impemented

2,251 families implemented latrines for the final disposal of excreta and sinks for wastewater management, improving their hygiene practices and family health .    

Our commitment

healthier communities

Thanks to ADRI’s  construction and rehabilitation of water systems, more than 1,400 families now have access to this vital liquid at home